Kissflow vs Nintex - Detailed Comparison 2023

Know how & why Kissflow is the best alternative to Nintex for process automation and workflows
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Kissflow vs Nintex

Nintex stops at process automation and workflows,
while Kissflow lets you do much more

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Pega requires certification to develop on. It can take 4 and 12 months to complete the entry level program. Anyone without experience building on Pega will be unable to do much on it. On Kissflow, business analysts and process owners can learn to develop within a few weeks.
With Kissflow, business users can solve 90% of their problems with no-code, and IT can pitch in for the rest, while Pega is code-intensive and requires IT to step in frequently
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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

What makes Kissflow Different

Ease of use
Pega requires certification to develop on. It can take 4 and 12 months to complete the entry level program. Anyone without experience building on Pega will be unable to do much on it. On Kissflow, business analysts and process owners can learn to develop within a few weeks.
With Kissflow, business users can solve 90% of their problems with no-code, and IT can pitch in for the rest, while Pega is code-intensive and requires IT to step in frequently
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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

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Get access to our partner portal, where you can keep track of your deals and your earnings. You can also request new features and talk to other partners.

What are the core differences between Nintex and Kissflow?

Nintex is a full-service workflow automation platform that offers workflow automation, process mining, RPA, document generation, and e-sign capabilities.

Kissflow is a no-code/low-code application development platforms with workflow automation, case management, and document generation. 
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Kissflow's main costs are licenses. We offer professional services, but they aren’t required to build great processes.
On top of licenses, Nintex adds a lot of expensive fees for professional services due to the complexity of the product.
Go live with your first process in about 2 months, with or without professional services.
Implementation is highly dependent on professional services and usually takes more than 6 months to go live.
SharePoint Dependence
Kissflow isn’t dependent on an external system. It connects equally with all other applications.
Nintex specialized in SharePoint workflows, but Microsoft has retired workflow support for SharePoint.
Ease of Use
Kissflow is simple enough that anyone can learn the platform quickly.
Despite many no-code components, Nintex is still complicated to learn and requires advanced training.

How Customers Rate Us

Kissflow Nintex

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Source: G2Crowd

Nintex Vs Kissflow
Feature Comparison

See how Kissflow and Nintex compare on core features

Kissflow_Horizontal-01-4 nintex-logo-1
Drag and Drop
Low-Code App Development
Pre-Built Templates
Testing Environment
Workflow Management
Case Management
APIs for Custom Integration
Analytics & Reports
Process Mining and Discovery
Robotic Process Automation
Custom Role-Based Access
Live Demo

Recommended by industry experts

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Why Should You Consider Kissflow

Nintex was a great option for building workflows on SharePoint.
But since that won’t be an option in the future, you need to look for other options.

Kissflow is a much simpler platform to learn and master, and gets you up and running in weeks instead of months.

Anyone can easily find their way to building apps they love with no coding knowledge

Lightning Changes

Quickly incorporate feedback, make bug fixes, and refine your app’s design in a few clicks

Build Collaboratively

Bring process experts, analysts, and programmers together on a safe and secure platform

Get faster time-to-value with Kissflow